
To better understand your life and be more prepared for the future

Here are the types of astrology reports that we currently offer

Full Lifetime Astrology Report

Currently we offer a simplified version of the full lifetime report, it is like a summary of your past, present, and future. The advantage of the simplified report is that it offers you a quick overview of your entire life, from the past to the present and into the future. With the simplified report, you could sit down and have a cup of coffee in an afternoon and gain a deeper understanding of your life, of what has happened and what is likely to happen into the future. The advantage of the simplified report over the full length report that will also be offered on this site in a later date is that it enables you to quickly gain an important overview of your current situation in life, and helps you to make decisions about possible directions to take in life. Another advantage of the simplified report is that it is offered at a lower price of only $100 dollars. With its lower price it gives you the opportunity to find out what Chinese Astrology and the astrology reports that we offer can do for you. If you find it is of benefit to you, you may wish to further order other types of Chinese Astrology reports from us in the future

Love and Marriage Astrology Report

Whether you are looking to find lifetime companionship or trying to find out when you will have better luck at dating, our Love and Marriage Astrology Report can help you. For a limited time, the Love and Marriage Chinese Astrology Report is available for an introduction price of $300... That is a substantial discount from the regular price of $400... Included in this report is the Simplified Lifetime Astrology Report for free so you can better properly understand the timing of when you will have better luck at finding that special someone or will be more appealing in general as a dating prospect. Please contact us through email if you are interested in this purchasing this Report. Click here for more details